Montreal History by key date

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<<  Decade 1950 - 1960   >>

Death during this decade





Historical events of this decade

1959-06-26   Inauguration of the St. Lawrence maritime way

1955   Dorchester street is is widened in boulevard , many building where destroyed to make place to the new axis

1951   Birth of the Commission de Transport de Montral ancestor of the actual STM

1958   The Côte-Saint-Luc village becomes the town of Côte-Saint-Luc

1954   First election of Jean-Drapeau to Montreal town hall

1955-03-17    Riot on St. Catherine following the suspension of Maurice Richard

Picture of this time
Place d'Armes
Place d'Armes
Aerial view of Montreal University
Aerial view of Montreal University
View from St. Joseph Oratory
View from St. Joseph Oratory
Saint-Denis Beaubien
Saint-Denis Beaubien
Downtown Montreal from airplain
Downtown  Montreal from airplain
Port of Montreal
Port of Montreal
Bellechasse District in 1959
Bellechasse District in 1959
Buildings built during this decade
Sternthal Building »»» 1950
1980 Sherbrooke West »»» 1953
2155 Guy »»» 1954
Gordon Brown Building »»» 1954
3468 Drummond Street »»» 1955
Blue Cross Building »»» 1956
505, Blvd Rene-Levesque West »»» 1956
Le 630 Sherbrooke Ouest »»» 1956
The Redpath Apartments »»» 1956
Peel Centre »»» 1957
L'aerogare de Montreal »»» 1957
Domtar Building »»» 1957
Drummond Plaza »»» 1957
1600 René-Levesque Ouest »»» 1958
Le 1210 »»» 1959
Montreal Bank »»» 1959
645 Rene-Levesque West »»» 1959
The 1900 Lincoln »»» 1959
Schools and Universities
Coronation School »»» 1950
Mount Royal High School »»» 1950
École primaire Catherine-Soumillard »»» 1950
Notre-Dame-du-Foyer School »»» 1951
Paul Jarry School »»» 1951
Rosemount High School »»» 1951
BNOT Jerusalem Girls School »»» 1951
Édifice de la Rive »»» 1952
Sainte-Bernadette-Soubirous School »»» 1952
Jean-Pierre Castonguay Pavillion »»» 1953
École des métiers de la construction de Montréal »»» 1953
Collège Jean-Eudes »»» 1954
Centre d’éducation des adultes Outremont »»» 1954
Paul-Gérin-Lajoie-d'Outremont School »»» 1954
Centre-Lartigue »»» 1954
Ancienne École Félix-Leclerc »»» 1954
École des Nations »»» 1954
Mountrose School »»» 1955
Municipal building »»» 1955
Katimavik-Hébert School »»» 1955
Saint-Jean-Marie-Vianney School »»» 1955
Emica Annex »»» 1955
Regina Assumpta College »»» 1955
École Secondaire Saint-Laurent Édifice Saint-Germain »»» 1955
École primaire Ahuntsic - Annexe »»» 1955
Alexandre de Sève Pavilion | UdeM »»» 1956
St-Grégoire-le-Grand (CSDM) Elementary School »»» 1956
Cegep de Rosemont »»» 1956
Résidences A - UdeM »»» 1956
La Voie School »»» 1956
Cardinal-Leger School »»» 1956
Norma & Robert Hayes Building »»» 1957
Ahuntsic College »»» 1957
École Saint-Gabriel-Lalemant »»» 1957
Lauren Hill Academy Junior Campus »»» 1957
École primaire Saint-Mathieu »»» 1957
St-George's School of Montréal »»» 1957
Marie-Victorin Pavilion | UdeM »»» 1958
Lalemant Pavilion | Collège Brébeuf »»» 1958
McConnell Engineering Building -McGill »»» 1959
Vincent Massey School »»» 1959
Pierre-Laporte High School »»» 1959
Rudolf Steiner School of Montréal »»» 1959
Saint-Philippe Church »»» 1950
Saint-Albert-le-Grand church »»» 1950
Filipino Catholic Mission Of Montreal »»» 1950
Old Calendar Greek Orthodox Church »»» 1950
Saint-Maron Cathedral »»» 1950
Église Saint-Jean-Bosco Church »»» 1950
Coeur-Immaculé-de-Marie échurch »»» 1950
Notre-Dame du Foyer Church »»» 1951
Saint-Louis-de-France Church »»» 1951
The Sign of the Theotokos Orthodox Church »»» 1951
Church Resurrection of our Lord »»» 1951
Saint-Nicholas Antiochian Orthodox church »»» 1951
Montreal Chinese Alliance Church »»» 1951
Saint-Joseph of Mount-Royal Church »»» 1951
Mount Royal United Church »»» 1951
The Virgin Mary Antiochian Orthodox Church »»» 1951
St.Thomas More Church »»» 1951
Toldos Yakov Yosef Of Skver Congregation »»» 1951
Saint-Barnabé-Apôtre Church »»» 1952
Saint-Sixte Church »»» 1952
Rosedale Queen Mary United Church »»» 1952
Église du Tres-Saint-Sacrement Lachine »»» 1952
Centre Islamique du Québec »»» 1952
People's Church of Montréal »»» 1952
St. Kevin church »»» 1953
Eglise Biblique Pierre Angulaire »»» 1953
Our Lady of the Annunciation »»» 1953
Our Lady of Fatima Church »»» 1953
Saint Mark's Anglican Church »»» 1953
Saint Thomas Church »»» 1953
Sainte-Catherine-de-Sienne Church »»» 1953
Saint-André Apôtre Church »»» 1953
Evangel Pentecostal Church »»» 1953
Notre-Dame-de-la-Merci Church »»» 1953
Christ Victorious Church »»» 1953
St. Arsène Church »»» 1954
St. Michael's Ukrainian Catholic Church »»» 1954
Hungarian United Church »»» 1954
St. Monica's Church »»» 1954

See the location of these buildings on a satellite map

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