Montreal History by key date

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<<  Decade 1910 - 1920   >>

Death during this decade




Historical events of this decade

1910-01-10   Foundation of the newspaper “Le Devoir”

1913   Establishment of a permanent troop of Yiddish theatre in Montreal

1911   Shaw and Décary buy in one day the grounds of the future town of Mount-Royal for CNR

1910-02-01   Election of James J. Guerin to Montreal town hall

1910-06-04   Adoption of a bill allowing multiples annexations of suburb town of Montreal

1914-04-06   Election of Médéric Martin to Montreal town hall

1912-02-01   Election of Louis-Arsène Lavallée to Montreal town hall

1918   Province of Quebec put Montreal under his control

1916   Annexion of Cartierville and Sault-au-Récollet

1915   Establishement of the City of Montreal-Nord

1912   Saint-Jean-Baptiste-de-la-Pointe-aux-Trembles village became the City of Pointe-aux-Trembles.

1912-03-14   Incorporation of the city of LaSalle from Saints-Anges-de-Lachine parish

1918-02-09   Annexation of the Maisonneuve city to the city of Montreal

1914   Foundation of the catholic working Federation of Montreal

1916-08-24   Big Demonstration anticonscriptionnist on the Place d'Arme

1918-10-21   First train under the mountain: It transports millitaires leaving for Sébastopol to Russia

1910-09-06   Great Congress eucharistic in Montreal

1916-03-30   First conquest of the Stanley cut by the Montreal Canadian hockey team

Picture of this time
Mont-Royal / Mentana
Mont-Royal / Mentana
Laurier Street in 1910
Laurier Street in 1910
Outremont Park
Outremont Park
Montreal Star
Montreal Star
Sherbrooke / Crescent
Sherbrooke / Crescent
Saint-Laurent / Saint-Viateur
Saint-Laurent / Saint-Viateur
Saint-Dominique / Saint-Viateur
Saint-Dominique / Saint-Viateur
Avenue du Parc / Villeneuve
Avenue du Parc / Villeneuve
Sherbrooke / Guy
Sherbrooke / Guy
Square Saint-Louis
Square Saint-Louis
Côte-Sainte-Catherine et Laurier
Côte-Sainte-Catherine et Laurier
Avenue du Parc coin Sherbrooke
Avenue du Parc coin Sherbrooke
Buildings built during this decade
Willis Building »»» 1910
Yorkshire Building »»» 1911
Shaughnessy Building »»» 1912
Dandurand Building »»» 1912
Building Building »»» 1912
Le New Birks Building »»» 1912
McGill Building »»» 1912
Dominion Express Building »»» 1912
Duluth Building »»» 1913
La Sauvegarde Building »»» 1913
Lewis Building »»» 1913
Unity building »»» 1913
Laurentian Apartements »»» 1913
Versailles Building »»» 1914
Les lofts des Arts »»» 1914
Drummond Building »»» 1914
Southam Building »»» 1916
Salada building »»» 1917
Schools and Universities
Former HEC Building »»» 1910
Former Marchand Academy »»» 1910
Cardinal Newman High school »»» 1910
ESG UQAM New Building »»» 1910
Saint-Anselme School »»» 1910
Bourg Christophe-Colomb Condos »»» 1910
Lower Canada College »»» 1910
Kensington School »»» 1910
École Montcalm »»» 1910
Strathcona Medical Building (McGill) »»» 1911
Sherbrooke Building (SH) UQAM »»» 1911
Académie du Boulevard »»» 1911
Lemoyne School »»» 1911
Jacques Prévert College »»» 1911
Baril School »»» 1911
Actions Bethel Du Canada »»» 1911
Ste-Philomene de Rosemont Academy »»» 1911
Edouard VII School »»» 1912
École de l'Enfant-Jésus »»» 1912
Alfred Academy »»» 1912
De la Visitation CLSC »»» 1912
MAI - Montreal Art Interculturel »»» 1912
Former Provost School »»» 1912
Congrégation Notre-Dame »»» 1913
L'Hermitage »»» 1913
Collège Saint-Laurent Music Department »»» 1913
Westmount Park School »»» 1913
Former Saint-Mathias-Apôtre school »»» 1913
Pavillon de Mode(DM) UQAM »»» 1913
Lajoie School »»» 1914
Gédéon-Ouimet School »»» 1914
Bourget Building »»» 1914
Wilson Hall (McGill) »»» 1914
Face School »»» 1914
Notre-Dame-de-la-Paix School »»» 1914
Sophie-Barat High school »»» 1914
Saint-Clément School »»» 1914
Centre NDA »»» 1914
Former Boucher-de-la-Bruère School »»» 1914
Collège Roussin »»» 1914
Coopérative Petite-Patrie »»» 1915
Marie-Immaculée Academy »»» 1915
Bancroft School »»» 1915
Notre-Dame des Sept-Douleurs School »»» 1915
Primary International School »»» 1915
Nouvelle Querbes School »»» 1916
Garneau School »»» 1916
Loyola College (Concordia) »»» 1916
Centre Communautaire Ahuntsic »»» 1916
Académie Piché »»» 1916
Saint-Christophe Academy »»» 1917
Agora de la Danse »»» 1918
Notre-Dame-des-Neiges School »»» 1918
De Lorimier School »»» 1918
Atwater Library »»» 1918
Saint-Marc School »»» 1918
Saint Jean-Baptiste de LaSalle School »»» 1918
Monklands High School »»» 1918
Irénée-Lussier School »»» 1919
La Mennais School »»» 1919
Louis-Hippolyte-Lafontaine School »»» 1919
First Presbyterian Church »»» 1910
Église Ministère de la Foi en Jésus-Christ »»» 1910
Chapelle de la Réparation au Sacré-Coeur »»» 1910
Former Brethren Church »»» 1910
Former Kerem Israel Synagogue »»» 1910
Temple Batist Church »»» 1911
St. Nicholas Russian Orthodox Church »»» 1911
St. Germain church »»» 1911
St. Nicholas Romanian Orthodox Church »»» 1911
Église Chrétienne du Roi des Rois »»» 1911
Saint-John of Suchawa Bukowinian Greek Orthodox Church of Lachine Church »»» 1911
Calvary Congregational Church »»» 1911
St-Albans Church »»» 1911
St. Stanislas-de-Kostka Church »»» 1912
St. Irénée Church »»» 1912
St. Matthias' Church »»» 1912
Maison Adrianna »»» 1912
Former Rosemount Presbyterian Church »»» 1912
Former Syrian Greek Orthodox church »»» 1912
Sainte-Élisabeth-de-Portugale Church »»» 1912
Former Church »»» 1912

See the location of these buildings on a satellite map

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