Montreal History by key date

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<<  Decade 1870 - 1880   >>

Death during this decade




Historical events of this decade

1876-05-24   Inauguration of the Mount Royal Park

1879   Printing of the first edition of the newspaper La Patrie by Honoré Beaugrand

1870   Launch of Montrealers Journal: Opinion Publique.

1874-06-24   Celebration of St-jean brings french speaking representatives from all across America.

1875   Montreal and New York are now linked by train

1875   Extension of the Lachine Canal and deepened to 14 feet.

1871   Foundation of Sun Life by Matthew Hamilton Gault

1871   Visit of the duke Alexis of Russia

1870   The village of Lachine becomes the town of Lachine.

1875   Municipality of Verdun is created, detached from the parish of Notre-Dame of Montreal.

1876-12-28   La-Rivière-Saint-Pierre Village became Verdun

1874   Establishment of St. Gabriel municipality

1878-03-09   the village Saint-Louis of the End Mile separates from the village of côte-Saint-Louis.

1875   The village of Outremont separates from the village of Côte-Saint-Louis

1875   Creation of the town Saint-Henri

1871   Population of Montreal city is now 107 225 inhabitants

1874   St. Helene Island became a park in vogue

1878   Foundation of the Royal Golf Club of Montreal

Picture of this time
Square Victoria
Square Victoria
Côte-des-Neiges d'une autre époque
Côte-des-Neiges d'une autre époque
Rue Aylmer
Rue Aylmer
Montreal Seminary
Montreal Seminary
View east side
View east side
Buildings built during this decade
Schools and Universities
St. Patrick Academy »»» 1870
Royal Arthur School »»» 1870
Vanier College »»» 1872
Catholic Comercial Academy »»» 1872
Olier School »»» 1875
Former Olier School »»» 1875
École Belmont »»» 1877
St-Gabriel School »»» 1878
Normal Superieur Jacques-Cartier School »»» 1879
École Supérieure Saint-Louis »»» 1879
St. George's Church Place du Canada »»» 1870
Former St. Marc church »»» 1870
Saint-Raphael de lile Bizard Church »»» 1874
Stanley Street Presbyterian Church »»» 1874
St. Martin Church »»» 1874
Sainte-Anne Church »»» 1875
Crescent Street Presbyterian Church »»» 1875
Baptist Church »»» 1875
Notre-Dame-de-lourdes Chapel »»» 1876
Calvary Congregtional Churc »»» 1876
Nativité de la Sainte-Vierge of Hochelaga Church »»» 1877
Sainte-Brigide de Kildare Church »»» 1878
St. Jude Church »»» 1878
Olivet Baptist Church »»» 1878
Church of St. John The Evangelist »»» 1879
LHotel »»» 1871
Former St. James Hotel »»» 1873
Charles-Phillips Building »»» 1870
Gault Brothers Building »»» 1871
Tiffin-Murphy Building »»» 1872
Marie-Hélène Jodoin Building »»» 1873
Magasins des soeurs Grises I »»» 1873
Exchange Bank building »»» 1874
Sulpicians building III »»» 1874
Commissioners Building »»» 1875
Public Building
Boy's Home »»» 1870
Bureau de Poste »»» 1872
Fire Station no 2 »»» 1872
YMCA of Square Victoria »»» 1873
Canadian Center for Architecture »»» 1874
Former Griffintown Police building »»» 1875
Western Hospital »»» 1876
Former Station no 11 »»» 1876
Montreal City Hall »»» 1878
Art Association of Montreal »»» 1879
Apartments and Condos
2060, rue Saint-Denis »»» 1870
Place d'Armes Hotel »»» 1870
Hôtel l'Américain »»» 1870
le Franco Americain »»» 1871
Windsor Hotel »»» 1876
Windsor Hotel »»» 1878
Industrials Building
133 King Street »»» 1870
Grey Nuns Store/ Warehouse »»» 1873
W.C. MacDonald's Tobacco Factory »»» 1874
Dawes and Co Brewers and Malsters III »»» 1878
Hudson Bay Company Building »»» 1878
La Machinerie Condos »»» 1879
Caledonian Iron works »»» 1879
Corbeil's General Store »»» 1870
Club Soda »»» 1870
Léandre-Chaput Store / Warehouse »»» 1872
Magasins de l'Hôtel-Dieu III »»» 1872
Montreal Telegraph Building »»» 1873
Hôtel-Dieu Store VII »»» 1874
R. S. Muir & CO »»» 1875
Moss Building »»» 1875
Magasins de l'Hôtel-Dieu IV »»» 1875
Rodier Building »»» 1875
Duncan-McIntyre Building »»» 1875
Claxton Building »»» 1875
Store-Warehouse Gunn-Langlois »»» 1877
Pilon Building »»» 1878
Ricard Store Warehouse »»» 1878
Old Houses
Van Horne Mansion »»» 1870
Lord Strathcona House »»» 1870
1670, rue Sainte-Rose »»» 1870
1177-1179 De la Montagne Street »»» 1870
Marie-Hélène Jodoin House »»» 1871
Ludger-Duvernay House »»» 1874
Camilius Cornelius-Snowdon house »»» 1874
Jean Leclaire House »»» 1874
Elspeh Angus and Duncan McIntyre House »»» 1874
Frederick Thomas Judah House »»» 1875
Country house »»» 1875
Countryside House »»» 1875
George Bull Burland House »»» 1875
Adams House »»» 1876
Étienne David house »»» 1879
Louis-Fréchette House »»» 1879
Monasteries, Religious Buildings
Résidence Saint-Dominique »»» 1874
Plateau Heritage »»» 1876
Grey Nuns Motherhouse »»» 1878
Typical Duplex and triplex
Old triplex on Bleury Street »»» 1870
Duplex in Petite Bourgogne »»» 1870
Triplex on St. André »»» 1870
Triplex With Carriage Entrance »»» 1870
Quadruplexe sur de la Gauchetière »»» 1870
Duplex in Milton Park »»» 1875
419-427, avenue Viger Est »»» 1875
Typical Triplex »»» 1875

See the location of these buildings on a satellite map

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