Buildings built during this decade |
Schools and Universities |
St. Patrick Academy »»» | 1870 | Royal Arthur School »»» | 1870 |
Vanier College »»» | 1872 |
Catholic Comercial Academy »»» | 1872 |
Olier School »»» | 1875 |
Former Olier School »»» | 1875 |
École Belmont »»» | 1877 |
St-Gabriel School »»» | 1878 |
Normal Superieur Jacques-Cartier School »»» | 1879 |
École Supérieure Saint-Louis »»» | 1879 |
Churches |
St. George's Church Place du Canada »»» | 1870 | Former St. Marc church »»» | 1870 |
Saint-Raphael de lile Bizard Church »»» | 1874 |
Stanley Street Presbyterian Church »»» | 1874 |
St. Martin Church »»» | 1874 |
Sainte-Anne Church »»» | 1875 |
Crescent Street Presbyterian Church »»» | 1875 |
Baptist Church »»» | 1875 |
Notre-Dame-de-lourdes Chapel »»» | 1876 |
Calvary Congregtional Churc »»» | 1876 |
Nativité de la Sainte-Vierge of Hochelaga Church »»» | 1877 |
Sainte-Brigide de Kildare Church »»» | 1878 |
St. Jude Church »»» | 1878 |
Olivet Baptist Church »»» | 1878 |
Church of St. John The Evangelist »»» | 1879 |
Bank |
LHotel »»» | 1871 | Former St. James Hotel »»» | 1873 |
Office |
Charles-Phillips Building »»» | 1870 | Gault Brothers Building »»» | 1871 |
Tiffin-Murphy Building »»» | 1872 |
Marie-Hélène Jodoin Building »»» | 1873 |
Magasins des soeurs Grises I »»» | 1873 |
Exchange Bank building »»» | 1874 |
Sulpicians building III »»» | 1874 |
Commissioners Building »»» | 1875 |
Public Building |
Boy's Home »»» | 1870 | Bureau de Poste »»» | 1872 |
Fire Station no 2 »»» | 1872 |
YMCA of Square Victoria »»» | 1873 |
Canadian Center for Architecture »»» | 1874 |
Former Griffintown Police building »»» | 1875 |
Western Hospital »»» | 1876 |
Former Station no 11 »»» | 1876 |
Montreal City Hall »»» | 1878 |
Art Association of Montreal »»» | 1879 |
Apartments and Condos |
2060, rue Saint-Denis »»» | 1870 | |
Hotels |
Place d'Armes Hotel »»» | 1870 | Hôtel l'Américain »»» | 1870 |
le Franco Americain »»» | 1871 |
Windsor Hotel »»» | 1876 |
Windsor Hotel »»» | 1878 |
Industrials Building |
133 King Street »»» | 1870 | Grey Nuns Store/ Warehouse »»» | 1873 |
W.C. MacDonald's Tobacco Factory »»» | 1874 |
Dawes and Co Brewers and Malsters III »»» | 1878 |
Hudson Bay Company Building »»» | 1878 |
La Machinerie Condos »»» | 1879 |
Caledonian Iron works »»» | 1879 |
Commercial |
Corbeil's General Store »»» | 1870 | Club Soda »»» | 1870 |
Léandre-Chaput Store / Warehouse »»» | 1872 |
Magasins de l'Hôtel-Dieu III »»» | 1872 |
Montreal Telegraph Building »»» | 1873 |
Hôtel-Dieu Store VII »»» | 1874 |
R. S. Muir & CO »»» | 1875 |
Moss Building »»» | 1875 |
Magasins de l'Hôtel-Dieu IV »»» | 1875 |
Rodier Building »»» | 1875 |
Duncan-McIntyre Building »»» | 1875 |
Claxton Building »»» | 1875 |
Store-Warehouse Gunn-Langlois »»» | 1877 |
Pilon Building »»» | 1878 |
Ricard Store Warehouse »»» | 1878 |
Old Houses |
Van Horne Mansion »»» | 1870 | Lord Strathcona House »»» | 1870 |
1670, rue Sainte-Rose »»» | 1870 |
1177-1179 De la Montagne Street »»» | 1870 |
Marie-Hélène Jodoin House »»» | 1871 |
Ludger-Duvernay House »»» | 1874 |
Camilius Cornelius-Snowdon house »»» | 1874 |
Jean Leclaire House »»» | 1874 |
Elspeh Angus and Duncan McIntyre House »»» | 1874 |
Frederick Thomas Judah House »»» | 1875 |
Country house »»» | 1875 |
Countryside House »»» | 1875 |
George Bull Burland House »»» | 1875 |
Adams House »»» | 1876 |
Étienne David house »»» | 1879 |
Louis-Fréchette House »»» | 1879 |
Monasteries, Religious Buildings |
Résidence Saint-Dominique »»» | 1874 | Plateau Heritage »»» | 1876 |
Grey Nuns Motherhouse »»» | 1878 |
Typical Duplex and triplex |
Old triplex on Bleury Street »»» | 1870 | Duplex in Petite Bourgogne »»» | 1870 |
Triplex on St. André »»» | 1870 |
Triplex With Carriage Entrance »»» | 1870 |
Quadruplexe sur de la Gauchetière »»» | 1870 |
Duplex in Milton Park »»» | 1875 |
419-427, avenue Viger Est »»» | 1875 |
Typical Triplex »»» | 1875 |
See the location of these buildings on a satellite map
