Montreal History by key date

Discover Montreal's history by decade by viewing historical pictures, images and building construction.

<<  Decade 1850 - 1860   >>

Death during this decade


1859 Hon. Joseph Bourret

Historical events of this decade

1857-07-14   Opening of the Saint-James club still the oldest private club of Montreal

1851   Opening of the first Montreal's Y.M.C.A.

1856   Montreal is the host of the YMCA third annual convention of the British provinces and USA

1859   Foundation of the National Bank of Canada

1856   First regular link in train between Montreal and Toronto

1852   of the Grand Trunck Railroad company

1850   Begins of St. Lawrence dredging to allow oceanic boat getting to Montreal

1852-07-08    Fire in Quebec suburb. 20% of the east city is devastated.

1854   Cholera kills more then1000 citizens.

1853   Riot following the arrival of the anti pope Gavazzi, 15 dead, 40 injured.

Picture of this time
Montréal in 1851
Montréal in 1851
Square Victoria
Square Victoria
Historical Mile-End
Historical Mile-End
View from Notre-Dame church
View from Notre-Dame church
Hunt Club near the moutain
Hunt Club near the moutain
Historical côte-des-Neiges
Historical côte-des-Neiges
Côte-des-Neiges countryside...
Côte-des-Neiges countryside...
Village des Tanneries
Village des Tanneries
Buildings built during this decade
Schools and Universities
Ste. Mary's College »»» 1852
Saint-Laurent College »»» 1852
Mont Saint-Louis College »»» 1853
College de Montreal »»» 1857
St. Andrew church »»» 1851
Notre-Dame-de-Grâce Church »»» 1853
St. John's Lutheran church »»» 1853
Saint-Pierre Apotre Church »»» 1853
St. Peter and St. Paul Cathedral »»» 1853
Ste. Anne Church »»» 1854
Saint-Enfant-Jésus du Mile-End Church »»» 1858
Christ Church Cathedral »»» 1859
Russian Synagogue »»» 1859
Commission du havre building »»» 1853
Magasin-entrepôt Frothingham and Workman »»» 1853
Francis Mullins Building »»» 1853
Boyer's Block »»» 1857
Law Building »»» 1857
Edmonstone, Allan & Co Building »»» 1859
35 rue Notre-Dame Ouest »»» 1859
Public Building
Royal Theatre »»» 1851
St. Patrick Catholic Orphenage »»» 1851
Notre-Dame-des-Neiges Cemetery »»» 1855
Ladies Benevolent Society »»» 1855
Lucien-Saulnier Building »»» 1857
Mont-Royal Cimetery »»» 1857
Riendeau Hotel »»» 1852
Nelligan Hotel »»» 1853
Hôtel Richelieu »»» 1858
Industrials Building
John-Try Warehouse »»» 1855
William Bussy Lambe Warehouse »»» 1857
Empire Trade Building »»» 1857
Empire Trade Building »»» 1857
Johnston-Thompson II Store/ Warehouse »»» 1859
Olivier-Berthelet Store-House »»» 1850
Hubert-Paré House »»» 1852
William-Stephen I Store/Warehouse »»» 1853
Narcisse-Desmarteau Store Warehouse »»» 1854
George-Hagar Store »»» 1855
Warehouse Store Masson I »»» 1855
St-Joseph Union »»» 1856
Jean-Baptiste-Rolland Store-Warehouse »»» 1856
Magasin-entrepôt Victor-Hudon I »»» 1857
Magasin-entrepôt William-Carter I »»» 1857
Thomas-Tiffin Store Warehouse »»» 1857
Les Deux Pierrots »»» 1858
Magasins-entrepôts Corse »»» 1858
11-21, rue Notre-Dame Ouest »»» 1859
Old Houses
Antoine-Brousseau House »»» 1850
Laporte House »»» 1850
François-Benoît House »»» 1850
Joseph-Wilfrid Antoine-Raymond Masson House »»» 1851
Marguerite-Hay house »»» 1853
Former country house »»» 1857
Harrison Stephen House »»» 1857
Smith's House »»» 1858
Edward James Major House »»» 1859
1234 De La Montagne »»» 1859
Monasteries, Religious Buildings
Couvent des Soeurs de la Miséricorde »»» 1853
Externat Sainte-Sophie »»» 1855
Résidence des Pères Oblats »»» 1856

See the location of these buildings on a satellite map

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