Montreal History by key date

Discover Montreal's history by decade by viewing historical pictures, images and building construction.

<<  Decade 1820 - 1830   >>

Death during this decade


Historical events of this decade

1821-07-21   Beginning of Lachine Canal digging

1824   Opening of the Lachine Canal.

1821   McGill University obtiain its charter of foundation.

1824   Founding of the Medical Association of Montreal

Buildings built during this decade
Schools and Universities
British and Canadian School »»» 1827
Presbyterian American Church »»» 1826
The Basilica of Notre-Dame de Montreal »»» 1829
Abner Bagg house »»» 1821
Robert-Unwin-Harwood Building »»» 1825
Public Building
Stewart Museum »»» 1820
Fleming Windmill »»» 1827
Industrials Building
La Poudrière »»» 1822
Bouthillier Warehouse »»» 1828
Pierre-Beaudry Warehouse »»» 1828
Entrepôt Bouthillier I »»» 1828
Jean-Baptiste-Castonguay Store-house »»» 1828
Old Houses
Imbaul House »»» 1820
Longpré House »»» 1822
Elizabeth-Mittleberger-Platt store-house »»» 1823
Joseph Dagenais House »»» 1825
Joseph-Brossard House »»» 1828

See the location of these buildings on a satellite map

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