The Montréal Casino was originally the French pavilion at the International Exhibition of 1967. Among the largest buildings of this event, it also is one of the few buildings to be conserved after exposure on the Terre des Hommes.
Transformed into Casino in 1993, this building is now an Montreal landmark an a main tourist places in Montreal. With many games rooms, bars, and cabaret concert hall that can accommodate large productions, the Casino is also at the heart of Montreal entertainment. It was expanded after its opening by integrating the former Pavilion of Quebec in 1996. It has more than 3200 slot machines and more ten 120 tables of poker games, blackjack and others.
Located on the Notre-Dame island in the Jean Drapeau Park, players has to take the Concorde bridge and then the Pont des îles to get there
Other information b> If you have in your possession photographs of this building during the expo 67, we would be happy to put them on our site.
The casino is open 24 a day 7 days a week.
Its usage is limited to 18 years and older.
This property is operated by the Society of Casino du Quebec, a division of Loto-Quebec
See the official site of the Montreal Casino follow this link a> ( . com /)
The Casino is frequented by more than six million people annually.
In year 2006, income was more than $ 500 million.
This building is located in the «Secteur de valeur patrimoniale exceptionnelle Île Notre-Dame» AKA : "Area of outstanding heritage value Notre-Dame Island".
Expo 67
This pavilion was built for the 1967 Universal Exhibition which had the theme Man and his world. The City of Montreal then created from scratch the Ile Notre-Dame Island and made great development on St. Helene Island with among others the extension of the island to connect with Round Island. The Expo was a success with over 50 million visitors.
Bulletin d'information de la Commission de la construction du Québec du mois de février 2011
CCQ, 2011
Le Groupe Arcop/The Arcop Group , 2008
Sur les traces du Montréal Moderne et du domaine de L’Estérel au Québec.
France Vanlaethem, Danielle Doucet, Sophie Mankowski, Conrad Gallant, 2008
L'Architecture de Montréal
Pierre-Richard Bisson, 1990
Architecture - public building
Building achieved the same year (1967)
DowntownSaint-Henri / Petite-BourgogneWestmountSaint-LaurentAhuntsic / CartiervilleCôte-Saint-LucNDGOld MontrealVerdunMontréal NordLa Petite-PatrieCôte-des-NeigesMercierPlateau Mont-RoyalRosemontVilleray / Saint-Michel Historical Milestones about Montreal, What did append the same year (1967) See History of Montreal Section
Facts about Montreal
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