STM Bellechasse Workshop

Picture Alexis Hamel 2013:03

Informations and facts

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   Architecture - industrials building

5 images

Caledonian Iron works

1844, rue William

1879 2 Floors
1 images

Dawes and Co Brewers and Malsters III

150, 28e avenue / Boulevard Saint-Joseph (Lachine)

1878 3 Floors
3 images

Édifice Baie d'Hudson

100, Rue McGill / Wellington

1878 3 Floors
8 images

Fabrique de tabac W.C. MacDonald's

2455, rue Ontario est

1874 5 Floors
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  • 19 bridges surround Montréal city
  • Montreal have more then 7630 streets makinh a total of 5617
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