After being an apartment hotel for the Howard Johnson group, this building remained vacant for a few years before being taken over by the Canadian Mortgage and Housing Corporation (CMHC). It was resold to the Société Municipal d'Habitation de Montréal . It was at this time that it was renamed Rigaud and transformed into an affordable housing building.
Ref: Guy R. Legault - La ville qu'on a bâtie : urbanisme et habitation à Montreal.
La ville qu'on a bâtie
Guy R. Legault, 2002
This building is on website because we list every buildings with 10 floors and more. We are not connected nor in relation with the owner of this building so we can’t provide any information about price and availability for rental.
Architecture - skyscrapers
Building achieved the same year (1976)
DowntownAhuntsic / CartiervilleNDGMontréal NordCôte-des-NeigesMercierLaSalleOutremontPlateau Mont-RoyalRosemontHochelaga-Maisonneuve Historical Milestones about Montreal, What did append the same year (1976) See History of Montreal Section
Facts about Montreal
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