The facade of this magnificent building is made of Tyndall limestone from Manitoba. This limestone has the particularity to contain numerous fossils.
This apartment building has Mordecai Richler as a famous resident for over 20 years.
Constructor and other companies involved in construction:
Dominion Bridge Co. Anglin-Norcross Limited
Montreal : the Unknown city
Kristian Gravenor, John David Gravenor, 2002
Architecture de Montréal, guide des styles et bâtiment
François Rmillard et Brain Merrett, 1990
Les gratte-ciel de Montréal
Madelain Forgete, 1990
This building is on website because we list every buildings with 10 floors and more. We are not connected nor in relation with the owner of this building so we can’t provide any information about price and availability for rental.
Architecture - appartement
Building achieved the same year (1926)
DowntownParc-ExtensionWestmountNDGOld MontrealMount-RoyalPointe Saint-CharlesLa Petite-PatrieMercierCôte-St-Paul / Ville-ÉmardOutremontMile-endVilleray / Saint-Michel Facts about Montreal
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