Jeanne-Mance School

Informations and facts


Irénée Vautrin

Constructor and other companies involved in construction:
A. & D. Boileau

Modifications :
1997: Saucier + Perrotte

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   Architecture - schools and universities

1 images
Montréal Nord

École secondaire Henri-Bourassa

6051, boulevard Maurice-Duplessis

1966 3 Floors
2 images

Stewart Biological Sciences Building (McGill)

1205, avenue Docteur Penfield

1965 8 Floors
2 images

Centre Universitaire McGill

3480, rue McTavish

1965 4 Floors
4 images

Pavillon Stephen Leacock -McGill

855, Sherbrooke Ouest

1965 7 Floors

Building achieved the same year (1922)


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  • 19 bridges surround Montréal city
  • Montreal have more then 7630 streets makinh a total of 5617
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