In 1948 the Salvation Army is acquiring this old church. The organization was founded in 1865 by William Booth.
More recently , Alcan has bought this building while letting the Salvation Army occupy it.
Short history of the institution in Canada b>
It is in 1882 in Toronto city that the good works started. From 1890, a transition house for former prisoners was opened in Toronto and from 1908 the first stores selling used items are created. The legal status came in 1909 when the Canadian parliament passed a special law.
Constructor and other companies involved in construction:
Lyall & Son,Dominion Bridge Co
L'Architecture de Montréal
Pierre-Richard Bisson, 1990
Architectural elements
Architectural elements
Architectural elements
Architecture - public buildingBuilding achieved the same year (1907)
DowntownSaint-Henri / Petite-BourgogneWestmountVerdunPointe Saint-CharlesOutremontPlateau Mont-RoyalVilleray / Saint-Michel Historical Milestones about Montreal, What did append the same year (1907) See History of Montreal Section
Facts about Montreal
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