Borough Villeray / Saint-Michel

churches in Villeray / Saint-Michel

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in Villeray / Saint-Michel
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Discover in pictures 26 churches in Villeray / Saint-Michel

7 images

New Church on Deville Street

Villeray / Saint-Michel

8450, 8e Avenue / Rue Deville

3 images

Romanian Orthodox Church Annunciation

Villeray / Saint-Michel

8070, avenue Christophe-Colomb / Jarry

2 images

Saints Cyril and Method Church

Villeray / Saint-Michel

2625, rue Jean-Talon Est

4 images

Saint-Mathieu Church

Villeray / Saint-Michel

2600, rue Jean-Talon Est

4 images
4 images

Holy Family Church

Villeray / Saint-Michel

7355, rue Lajeunesse

8 images

Saint-René-Goupil Church

Villeray / Saint-Michel

4251, rue du Parc-René-Goupil

3 images

Our Lady of Hungary Parish

Villeray / Saint-Michel

90, rue Guizot Ouest

5 images

Saint-Michel Church

Villeray / Saint-Michel

8961, 12e avenue

1 images

Slovak Catholic (Eastern Rites) Church of Ascension

Villeray / Saint-Michel

45, rue Legendre Ouest

* This list in pictures of churches in Villeray / Saint-Michel is not necessarily complete

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