Borough Downtown

hotels in Downtown

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Discover in pictures 66 hotels in Downtown

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Meridien Hotel Montreal


1808, rue Sherbrooke Ouest

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Queen Elizabeth Hotel


This hotel was built in the major development work undertaken by the Canadian National Railway to occupy the space around his Central Train Station which is located just behind. The Queen Eliz...

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W Hotel Montreal


The hotel has 152 luxurious rooms. It was built from an old office building to which floors were added. Its facade is composed of natural gray granite and gray granite polite.

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Hotel Laurentien


Rue Peel / Boulevard Dorchester

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Le Quartier St-Denis Hotel


1254, rue Saint-Denis

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Hotel Villa


55-57, rue Sainte-Catherine Est

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1425, Rene-Levesque West (Ford Hotel)


1425, boulevard René-Lévesque Ouest

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Square Phillips Hotel & Suites


This building is typical of the achievements of the architect Ernest Cormier with the yellow brick coating. It has already been occupied by UQAM. He has since been completely renovated to host t...

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Loft Hotel - Espace Cormier


334, terasse Saint-Denis / Sherbrooke

* This list in pictures of hotels in Downtown is not necessarily complete

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