Borough Downtown

monasteries, religious buildings in Downtown

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Discover in pictures 13 monasteries, religious buildings in Downtown

5 images
12 images

Montreal Diocesan Theological college


This building has neo-gothic architectural style.

6 images

Mont Saint-Louis


This building has Second Empire architectural style.

8 images

Grey Nuns Motherhouse


This building has neo-roman architectural style.

2 images

Asile de la Providence


Rue Sainte-Catherine Est / Saint-Hubert

1 images

Sulspician priests Barn


3530, rue Atwater

1 images

Couvent du Sacré-Coeur


This school was located on Saint-Alexandre Street (west side) between Dorchester and Ste. Catherine. You can see from the photo, at left the Church of the Gesu and the College Sainte-Marie.

* This list in pictures of monasteries, religious buildings in Downtown is not necessarily complete

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