Borough Plateau Mont-Royal

public building in Plateau Mont-Royal

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Discover in pictures 53 public building in Plateau Mont-Royal

4 images

Fire Station No. 16

Plateau Mont-Royal

8 images

Hôtel-Dieu of Montreal

Plateau Mont-Royal

3840, rue Saint-Urbain

3 images

Fire Station No. 14

Plateau Mont-Royal

4247, rue Saint-Dominique

1 images

Direction de santé publique Montréal

Plateau Mont-Royal

1301, rue Sherbrooke Est

3 images

Former Montreal Phonotheque

Plateau Mont-Royal

Place Roy

3 images

Théâtre du rideau vert

Plateau Mont-Royal

355, rue Gilford / Saint-Denis

1 images

St-Denis Center

Plateau Mont-Royal

5115, rue Rivard

1 images

CHSLD St-Georges

Plateau Mont-Royal

The St-Georges CHSLD has been located in this building since 2004. The institution was founded in 1964 and was formerly called Résidence St-Georges. With more than 260 residents, it is one of the lar...

3 images

Pavillon de l'Hotel Dieu

Plateau Mont-Royal

Rue Saint-Urbain

2 images

Stade Couvert R. H. Tomlinson Fieldhouse

Plateau Mont-Royal

Avenue des Pins

* This list in pictures of public building in Plateau Mont-Royal is not necessarily complete

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