Borough Plateau Mont-Royal

public building in Plateau Mont-Royal

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Discover in pictures 53 public building in Plateau Mont-Royal

2 images

La Tulipe

Plateau Mont-Royal

4530, avenue Papineau

8 images

65 th CMR Regiment

Plateau Mont-Royal

1 images

Former St-Michael Church Rectory

Plateau Mont-Royal

5294, rue Saint-Denis

1 images

Saint-Jean Baptiste Market

Plateau Mont-Royal

Rue Rachel / Boulevard Saint-Laurent

1 images

Former Police Station 12

Plateau Mont-Royal

4306, boulevard Saint-Laurent

4 images

Ste Jeanne d'Arc Hospital

Plateau Mont-Royal

10 images

Fire Station de Lorimier

Plateau Mont-Royal

2151, avenue du Mont-Royal Est

6 images

Institut des Sourdes-muettes

Plateau Mont-Royal

3725, rue Saint-Denis

4 images

St. Margaret's Home for the Incurable

Plateau Mont-Royal

Rue Clark / Milton

2 images

Former Théatre de Quat Sous

Plateau Mont-Royal

100, Avenue Des Pins Est / Coloniale

* This list in pictures of public building in Plateau Mont-Royal is not necessarily complete

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