Borough Plateau Mont-Royal

old houses in Plateau Mont-Royal

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Discover in pictures 23 old houses in Plateau Mont-Royal

6 images

Jean-Baptiste Soucy House

Plateau Mont-Royal

774-776, boulevard Saint-Joseph Est

2 images

Plateau Mont-Royal

3849, rue Saint-Hubert / Napoléon

1 images

Raoul A Girard House

Plateau Mont-Royal

1 images

Joseph-Hercule Dansereau House

Plateau Mont-Royal

2 images

Célina Beauchamp House

Plateau Mont-Royal

3827, rue Saint-Hubert

4 images

Emmanuel Saint-Louis House

Plateau Mont-Royal

4105, rue Saint-Denis

1 images

Marances de Rosay House

Plateau Mont-Royal

3500, rue Laval

3 images

Frank Hugh McKenna House

Plateau Mont-Royal

1 images

Jhon Millen house

Plateau Mont-Royal

3425, rue Saint-Hubert

1 images

Séraphin Saint-Onge House

Plateau Mont-Royal

543, rue Sherbrooke Est

* This list in pictures of old houses in Plateau Mont-Royal is not necessarily complete

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