Montréal's Album | Page of a person or institution in link with Montréal's history | |
| Name | Montreal Trust Compagny
| Financial Institution | Biography
| End of this of institution | 1889
| Establishment of this institution | 1994
| Last update: | 2010-09-28
CodeIMTL 6700 4868 hits on this page since 2010/12/31
| Other related pages to see Bell Media Tower [Place Montreal Trust, Maison Astral] 1800 McGill College Avenue / Maisonneuve Borough Downtown | 30 Floors 134 M 1988
800.15 /10 : 55 votes 12 pictures |
Person or institution related to this page Montreal Trust Compagny was directed Sir Herbert Samuel Holt |
- Pierre Bourque becomes mayor of Montreal
- Area of Montreal city is 482,8 km2
- The larget company in Montreal is BCE Bell Canada with ~ 12 000 employees
- Montreal is the more bicycle friendly city in north america
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