Financial Institution | Biography | Name | Montreal City And District Savings Bank
| End of this of institution | 1846
| Last update: | 2010-12-21
CodeIMTL 5751 17023 hits on this page since 2010/12/31
From Saving Bank to Laurentian Bank
The Montreal Saving Banks was establish in 1846. In the bank as changes is name for Banque Laurentienne du Canada. Other related pages to see Saving Bank 1478 Sainte-Catherine Street West Borough Downtown | 3 Floors 1956
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Laurentienne Bank 865 Décarie Boulevard Borough Saint-Laurent | 2 Floors 1953
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Laurentienne Bank [Banque d'epargne] 6500 de Lorimier Avenue / Beaubien Borough Rosemont | 2 Floors 1938
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Saving Bank 4465 Saint-Laurent Boulevard Borough Plateau Mont-Royal | 2 Floors 1933
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Saving Bank 4190 Saint-Denis Street Borough Plateau Mont-Royal | 2 Floors 1931
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Laurentienne Bank [Banque d'Épargne] 4214 Wellington Street Borough Verdun | 3 Floors 1931
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Saving Bank 1493 de LaSalle (Montréal) Avenue / Adam Borough Hochelaga-Maisonneuve | 3 Floors 1923
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Laurentienne Bank [Banque d'épargne de Saint-Henri, Saint-Henri Saving Bank] Place Saint-Henri Borough Saint-Henri / Petite-Bourgogne | 3 Floors 1922
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Saving Bank 2400 Sainte-Catherine Street East / Dufresne Borough Centre-Sud | 2 Floors 1921
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Saving Bank [Banana Républic] 777 Sainte-Catherine Street West / McGill College Borough Downtown | 3 Floors 1920
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Saving Bank 400 Beaubien Street East / Saint-Denis Borough La Petite-Patrie | 2 Floors 1919
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Saving Bank 1551 Ontario Street East Borough Downtown | 2 Floors 1906
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Laurentienne Bank [Banque d'Épargne] 936 Sainte-Catherine Street East Borough Downtown | 4 Floors 1904
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Saving Bank rue Condé / Centre / Grand Trunk Borough Pointe Saint-Charles | 3 Floors 1900
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LHotel [Édifice de la Banque d'Épargne, Hôtel XIXe Siècle] 262 Saint-Jacques Street Borough Old Montreal | 5 Floors 1871
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Person or institution related to this page Montreal City And District Savings Bank was lead 1916 - 1942 Raoul Dandurand 1907 - 1916 Hon. Joseph Aldéric Ouimet 1895 - 1907 Honorable Sir William Hales Hingston 1869 - 1871 Honnorable Henry Starnes 1877 - 1895 Edward Murphy 1852 - 1855 Alfred Larocque 1871 - 1873 Luther Hamilton Holton Henri Hague Judah Montreal City And District Savings Bank Pierre Beaubien Montreal City And District Savings Bank was lead 1867 - 1869 Alexandre M. Delisle 1846 - 1852 William Workman 1865 - 1867 Henry Mulholland 1859 - 1861 Edwin Atwater 1855 - 1859 Honorable Joseph Bourret Donald A. Hingston Montreal City And District Savings Bank had like director Frederick Thomas Judah