Montreal's Architectural Elements

Arched window - The Basilica of Notre-Dame de Montreal - City of Montreal


Architecture Ref: CODEIMTL 9490, Last update of this page : 2014-04-04

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Buildings in Montreal with this architecturtal element

    Saint-Édouard Church
    6500 Saint-Vallier Street / Saint-Denis
    Borough La Petite-Patrie
    5 Floors
    162.73 /10 : 70 votes
    24 pictures
    Saint-Édouard Church
    The Basilica of Notre-Dame de Montreal
    110 Notre-Dame Street West
    Borough Old Montreal
    7 Floors
    162.73 /10 : 70 votes
    25 pictures
    The Basilica of Notre-Dame de Montreal
    First Presbyterian Church
    315 Prince-Arthur Street West / Jeanne-Mance
    Borough Plateau Mont-Royal
    5 Floors
    162.73 /10 : 70 votes
    8 pictures
    First  Presbyterian Church
    Church of St James the Apostle
    1439 Sainte-Catherine Street West
    Borough Downtown
    4 Floors
    162.73 /10 : 70 votes
    7 pictures
    Church of St James the Apostle
    Christ Church Cathedral
    [Cathédrale Anglicane Christ Church]
    635 Sainte-Catherine Street West / Union
    Borough Downtown
    3 Floors
    162.73 /10 : 70 votes
    14 pictures
    Christ Church Cathedral
    Morrice Hall (McGill)
    [Presbyterian Theological College]
    3485 McTavish Street
    Borough Downtown
    3 Floors
    162.73 /10 : 70 votes
    6 pictures
    Morrice Hall (McGill)
    Le Carmel
    [Monstère des Carmélites, Le Carmel]
    301 351357 du Carmel Avenue
    Borough Mile-end
    3 Floors
    162.73 /10 : 70 votes
    13 pictures
    Le Carmel
    Saint-Jacques Church
    [Église St-Jacques]
    1423 Saint-Denis Street
    Borough Downtown
    5 Floors
    162.73 /10 : 70 votes
    7 pictures
    Saint-Jacques Church
    Saint-Pierre Apotre Church
    [St-Pierre Apotre]
    1201 de la Visitation Street
    Borough Centre-Sud
    8 Floors
    162.73 /10 : 70 votes
    9 pictures
    Saint-Pierre Apotre Church