Montreal's Architects

Alcibiade Leprohon

Né en 1870
Décédé en 1894

1949 visits on this page - metascore 814.94 / 10- 108 votes - 133924 views on architect's building.

Others architectects that worked on same building as partner or in consortium with Alcibiade Leprohon

Victor Bourgeau »
Joseph Michaud  »

Constructors, promoters, contractors or craftsman working with

Lepage et Pépin
Maison Benoît
Philias Boileau

Buildings built by architect Alcibiade Leprohon in Montreal


8 images

Mary Queen of the World Cathedral


This low scale replica of St. Peter's cathedral was built to replace the one located on Saint-Denis (Saint-Jacques) destroyed several times by fires. Construction of the basilica lasted for over...

1 images

Saint-Raphael de lile Bizard Church

Ouest de l'Ile

495, rue Cherrier île Bizzard

All Montreal's Architects

Some constructions in Montreal from same architect or Architecture Firm may be unknown from us. We are not connected with this architec , Architecture Firm, this page is for information purpose only, last update of this page : 2024-10-04 - Architecte CODEIMTL 3512.

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