Outremont St. Viateur Church

Picture Alexis Hamel 2008:09

Informations and facts

Establishment of Saint-Viateur catholic parish : 1902


Joseph-Égilde-Césaire Daoust, Louis-Zéphirin Gauthier

Constructor and other companies involved in construction:
L. Joseph Fauteux & Cie, Guido Nincheri

Discover more:

Hours of masses and other religious events from this churches are not shown because they are subject to change.

   Architecture - churches

1 images

Église Bethel Baptist

3060, boulevard de la Côte-Vertu

1967 2 Floors
5 images
Montréal Nord

Église Sainte-Colette

11931, boulevard Sainte-Colette

1967 1 Floors
4 images
Ahuntsic / Cartierville

Église Notre-Dame-des-Anges

12325, rue de Serres / Gouin

1966 3 Floors

Building achieved the same year (1913)


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  • University Club of Montreal »»
  • Congrégation Notre-Dame »»
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  • Westmount

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  • Saint-Laurent

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  • Centre-Sud

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  • Old Montreal

  • Municipal court of Montréal »»
  • Duluth Building »»
  • La Sauvegarde Building »»
  • Lewis Building »»
  • Royal Trust Building »»
  • Gare Berri »»
  • Hangar 16 »»
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  • Verdun

  • Verdun Former Bank of Montreal »»
  • Pointe Saint-Charles

  • Le Nordelec »»
  • La Petite-Patrie

  • Frontenac Brewery »»
  • Mercier

  • Rectory Notre-Dame des Victoires »»
  • Côte-St-Paul / Ville-Émard

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  • Outremont

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  • Maison H. Hanson »»
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  • Mile-end

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  • Hochelaga-Maisonneuve

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   Historical Milestones about Montreal, What did append the same year (1913)
    See History of Montreal Section
  • Establishment of a permanent troop of Yiddish theatre in Montreal
  Facts about Montreal

  • 883 Km of railroad criss-cross the city
  • 19 bridges surround Montréal city
  • Montreal have more then 7630 streets makinh a total of 5617
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