Borough Old Montreal

bank in Old Montreal

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Discover in pictures 15 bank in Old Montreal

12 images

The Bank

Old Montreal

221, rue Saint-Jacques

7 images

Montreal Bank

Old Montreal

129-155, rue Saint-Jacques

4 images

Caisse nationale d'économie

Old Montreal

41, rue Saint-Jacques

19 images

Royal Bank building

Old Montreal

360, rue Saint-Jacques

3 images

St-James Theatre

Old Montreal

This building was built on the site of the Temple Building, which itself had been built on the site of the former Methodist church. In late 2009, it camed around that the CIBC sells the building...

3 images

Scotia Bank Building

Old Montreal

2 images

Crédit Foncier Franco-Canadien

Old Montreal

The building was demolished to make way for the new Montreal courthouse. The company was founded the 24 of July 1880. Near 1914, it was one of the largest banks in the city with its reserve fun...

8 images

Former Montreal Stock Exchange

Old Montreal

This building has a Renouveau classique architectural style.

1 images

Banque du Peuple

Old Montreal

57, rue Saint-Jacques

2 images

Former St. James Hotel

Old Montreal

The St. James hotel permanently closed in 2022 following two years of closure during the pandemic.

* This list in pictures of bank in Old Montreal is not necessarily complete

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