Montreal's Architects

Andrew Thomas Taylor

Né en octobre 1850 à Édimbourg en Écosse
Décédé à Londres en Angleterre le 5 décembre 1937
Il fut fait Chevalier par la reine pour ses services rendus.

1458 visits on this page - metascore 5.03 / 10- 351 votes - 207750 views on architect's building.

Others architectects that worked on same building as partner or in consortium with Andrew Thomas Taylor

Morley W. Hogle »
Huntley Ward Davis  »

Constructors, promoters, contractors or craftsman working with

A. Cowan
Morison & Co

Buildings built by architect Andrew Thomas Taylor in Montreal

Schools and Universities


3 images

Public Building

4 images

Ste Jeanne d'Arc Hospital

Plateau Mont-Royal

Old Houses

8 images

John Redpath Mansion


Héritage Montréal, an organism dedicated to the protection of Montreal's heritage listed this building in "emblematic sites threatened" category for year 2009.

Monasteries, Religious Buildings

12 images

Montreal Diocesan Theological college


This building has neo-gothic architectural style.

All Montreal's Architects

Some constructions in Montreal from same architect or Architecture Firm may be unknown from us. We are not connected with this architec , Architecture Firm, this page is for information purpose only, last update of this page : 2024-03-13 - Architecte CODEIMTL 3195.

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