Westin Hotel Montreal

Picture Alexis Hamel

Informations and facts

At the Old Montreal limits, into Montreal International district, the Montreal’s Westin project (also called Lot Saint-Antoine) is a project that will involve three historical buildings plus the former headquarters of the Montreal Gazette, (Now located in the Dominion Square building). The complex will be located at the corner of Saint-Antoine Street West and Saint-Pierre.

The 454 room’s hotel will be one of the biggest in the metropolis and will reach both tourists and conventioneers. From the 432 rooms, 88 are housing type Condo / Hotel located above the Gazette old building at 250 (Saint-Antoine West), a kind of inverted L.

A 17000 square foot spa will be set in the 8 th floor in the old building and over 32000 square feet will be use for business meetings.

Being a huge complex, it will also integrate the former Montreal Star building in an effort to preserve the patrimonial heritage. Also to be noticed, the complex will keep in its centre the old fortifications alley, an historical Montreal bound.

Underground parking will accommodate 219 cars.

176000 foot square of rental space in 231 Saint Jacques Street building.

This building also have aspirations for environmental regulations with regard to improving building’s energy efficiency. Linked to Montreal Underground city by the Palais des Congrès and the International Trade Centre hotel’s clients will be able to walk under the city from their hotel room.

Note that the new building built will still have the 3 old aerial gateways currently passing between different buildings.

Participants firms for this project are: Engineering: Nicolet, Chartrand, Knoll , Bouthillette, Parizeau.

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    Former Gazette Building

    Old Montreal

    The wall sculptures of the building are from famous artist Jean-Paul Mousseau. (2008) The building is embedded in a vast hotel project : the Westin Montreal.

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We have no relation with managers of this hotel thus we can’t answer to questions relative to room reservation of congress planning.

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