Montreal's Architects

Yves Bélanger

Yves Bélanger fonda la firme Crevier et Bélanger en 1947. L'agence deviendra Crevier, Bélanger, Lemieux et Mercier.

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Buildings built by architect Yves Bélanger in Montreal

Acording to our information this is the only building made in Montreal from plans by this architect that fits our criteria(building type or hight).


8 images

Dominican center


2715, chemin de la Côte-Sainte-Catherine

All Montreal's Architects

Some constructions in Montreal from same architect or Architecture Firm may be unknown from us. We are not connected with this architec , Architecture Firm, this page is for information purpose only, last update of this page : 2021-07-22 - Architecte CODEIMTL 9568.

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