Montreal's Architects

John Ostell

Né en 1813 à Londres
Décédé en 1892
Il reçoit sa formation d'architecte à Londres et arrive à Montréal en 1834. En 1849 il fonde une agence avec son neveu: Henri-Maurice Perreault. Alors qu'il commence à travailler comme arpenteur, il travaillera par la suite sur plus de 25 édifices dans une métropole en pleine expansion. L'architecte James Gibbs a énormément influencé son travail.

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Others architectects that worked on same building as partner or in consortium with John Ostell

Henri-Maurice Perrault  »

Constructors, promoters, contractors or craftsman working with

William Lander
Joseph Marr
William Lauder
agrandissement : Perreault Raza

Buildings built by architect John Ostell in Montreal

Schools and Universities

3 images

McGill University


McGill University is the oldest university in the city of Montreal and this building is the first one dedicated to this institution. University was named after James McGill a fur merchant i...

7 images
1 images

Normal School


Belmon / St-Genevieve / La gauchetiere


8 images

Notre-dame de La visitation Church

Ahuntsic / Cartierville

1847, boulevard Gouin Est

4 images

Ste. Anne Church


The St Anne's Church was located in the Griffintown at the corner of Basin and Mountain. Its foundations are still visible in the park at the corner of those streets.


5 images

Former Customs

Old Montreal

Public Building

7 images

Industrials Building

Old Houses

3 images

Alexander Buchanan House


170, rue Sherbrooke Est

2 images

Cuvillier-Ostell House

Old Montreal

4, rue Notre-Dame Ouest / Boulevard Saint-Laurent

Monasteries, Religious Buildings

2 images

Asile de la Providence


Rue Sainte-Catherine Est / Saint-Hubert

Buildings modified by architect John Ostell in Montreal

Public Building
8 images

Prison des Hommes


Monasteries, Religious Buildings
2 images

Old Sulpician's seminary

Old Montreal

130, rue Notre-Dame Ouest

All Montreal's Architects

Some constructions in Montreal from same architect or Architecture Firm may be unknown from us. We are not connected with this architec , Architecture Firm, this page is for information purpose only, last update of this page : 2024-03-27 - Architecte CODEIMTL 3354.

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