Montreal's Architects

Henri-Maurice Perrault

1961 visits on this page - metascore 5.01 / 10- 301 votes - 181801 views on architect's building.

Others architectects that worked on same building as partner or in consortium with Henri-Maurice Perrault

John Ostell »
Alexander Cowper Hutchison »

Constructors, promoters, contractors or craftsman working with

agrandissement : Perreault Raza
Quinlan Robertson & Janin
Dominion Bridge Co

Buildings built by architect Henri-Maurice Perrault in Montreal

Schools and Universities

1 images

Saint-Denis Academy


1037, rue Saint-Denis


3 images

Union Française


Public Building

7 images
12 images

Montreal City Hall

Old Montreal

This building has Second Empire architectural style.


1 images

Hôtel-Dieu Store VII

Old Montreal

51-53, rue De Brésoles

1 images

Amable-Prevost Warehouse

Old Montreal

98, rue Saint-Paul Est / 103, rue de la Commune Est

Buildings modified by architect Henri-Maurice Perrault in Montreal

Schools and Universities
1 images

Villa Maria School


The central building of the School Villa Maria is the house built for Mr. Monk in 1803. The house also called Monkland, served as a residence for the general governors of Canada between 1844 and 1849....

Public Building
8 images

Prison des Hommes


All Montreal's Architects

Some constructions in Montreal from same architect or Architecture Firm may be unknown from us. We are not connected with this architec , Architecture Firm, this page is for information purpose only, last update of this page : 2024-03-17 - Architecte CODEIMTL 3355.

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