Montreal's Architects

Darling & Pearson

1939 visits on this page - metascore 5.02 / 10- 100 votes - 141719 views on architect's building.

Others architectects that worked on same building as partner or in consortium with Darling & Pearson

Cleveland  »

Constructors, promoters, contractors or craftsman working with

Cook & Leitch

Buildings built by architect Darling & Pearson in Montreal


18 images

Sun Life Building


The original building was only 7 floors height( right part of the image). This building was for a wile the tallest of the British Empire and Canada. He was the tallest building in Montreal unt...


3 images

St-James Theatre

Old Montreal

This building was built on the site of the Temple Building, which itself had been built on the site of the former Methodist church. In late 2009, it camed around that the CIBC sells the building...

All Montreal's Architects

Some constructions in Montreal from same architect or Architecture Firm may be unknown from us. We are not connected with this architec , Architecture Firm, this page is for information purpose only, last update of this page : 2024-02-19 - Architecte CODEIMTL 3607.

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